Amber has given numerous presentations and workshops for legal interpreters as well as advocates working with the Deaf. She specializes in legal interpreting and training court interpreters to more adequately interpret legalese, legal settings, situations, and concepts with the use of cultural mediation. Certified by the Board for Evaluation of Interpreters, she serves as a court interpreter mentor for both hearing and Deaf interpreters.
She has also been a guest on Intersections Radio and Legal Broadcast Network.
Amber’s Presentations & Workshops
“Disrupting Injustice: The Crisis of Deaf Access to Justice & Deaf in Prison”
“Bias: An Ethical Approach”
“Roles, Waivers & Disclosures”
“Barriers to Deaf in the Justice System”
“Boundaries: Interpreting for Family & Friends”
“Deaf Rights”
“Choices: Critical Thinking & Ethical Decision Makin”
“Practical Legal Skills Practice: From Theory to Practice”
“Assault: A Hands on Approach”
“Misjudged: The Tragic Case of Stephen Brodie”
“Deaf Accused: Understanding the Language of the Criminal Justice System”
“IRAC and Advocacy”
“Getting It: Understanding the Science and Language of DNA”
If you are interested in Amber Farrelly giving a presentation, please email Amber.